MARASCO & ASSOCIATES, INC. has designed over 1,500 healthcare facilities, including 22 Community & Specialty Hospitals and 100’s of Medical Office Buildings and Medical Office Spaces, across the country as well as abroad. We have completed projects in all 50 states. During our almost 50 year history, we have distinguished ourselves as the industry leader in healthcare architectural services. Healthcare projects are the only projects we accept, so 100% of our efforts are dedicated to this industry. Specializing allows our office to focus our efforts and remain on the cutting edge of technology related to the operations of these types of facilities. Our firm adds value to every project because we understand the business of medicine better than most architects. We know that although the building itself is certainly an expensive part of a facilities overhead, the major cost lies in the staffing and if our designs can save even one full time employee, that can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of the building.
MARASCO & ASSOCIATES, INC. is nationally known for the design of healthcare facilities and we have lectured for the Physicians Hospital Association (PHA), Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA), American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO/AAOE), American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ASCRS/ASOA), as well as numerous other professional healthcare associations. We have been published numerous times for work related to the design of healthcare facilities in a variety of medical publications and trade magazines. John Marasco and Todd Larson are the only architects to be recognized as Advisory Board Members for SurgiCenter magazine.
MARASCO & ASSOCIATES, INC. was founded in the early 1970’s by Robert F. Marasco AIA, NCARB responding to the lack of independent architectural firms dedicated exclusively to the design of healthcare facilities. John A. Marasco, AIA, NCARB took over the firm in 1995 and has diligently continued our commitment to unparalleled excellence. Marasco & Associates has 3 principals/owners; John A. Marasco, AIA, NCARB, Todd E. Larson, AIA, NCARB and Brian R. Shearer, AIA. All 3 principals/owners have been working together as a team for 27+ years.