B r i a n R. S h e a r e r, AIA
P r i n c i p a l / OWNER
As a Principal and Owner of Marasco & Associates, Mr. Shearer is a registered architect specializing in medical architecture. He is responsible for overseeing the projects our office has contracted and directs office personnel. Mr. Shearer performs design review meetings with our clients, consultants and various regulatory officials. He has extensive experience with local architect / contractor evaluations as well as code analysis.
Complete design and planning of medical projects, including ambulatory surgery centers, specialty hospitals, physician office and multi-specialty facilities.
Directs staff in design and document preparation.
Performs quality control of design and design documents.
Researches and evaluates local architects and contractors.
Responsible for cost containment.
Performs reviews with health departments and local code officials.
Professional Affiliations
Registered Architect, Colorado
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
American Institute of Architects, Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH)
Member of American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS)
Member of American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
Member of American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS)
Member of Outpatient Ophthalmic Surgery Society (OOSS)
Member of Physician Hospital Association (PHA)
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies, University of Nebraska
Continuing Education
Attends in excess of 24 hours of CE training courses per year, emphasizing the following:
New Product Specifications and construction techniques.
Healthcare specific product specifications
Evidence Based Design Principals
Sustainable Design Principals including the new Credential Maintenance Program requirements for LEED Certification.
Brian Shearer has been employed with Marasco since 1995. He has been a Principal /Owner since 2002.
Glen Campbell, M.D., Advanced Vision – P: 727-229-4000 e-mail: gcambell@advancedvision.org
Virgil Murray, M.D. The Eye Clinic – P: 337-478-3810 e-mail: lmurra1@yahoo.com
Ron Blair, Surgery Center Services – P: 480-357-1921 e-mail: rblair@surgerycenterservices.com